1) 大尺寸合家消灾祈福红牌、四姓祖先及冤亲债主超度、今生往生父母、过去七世父母、六道众生超度牌位以及其他标准尺寸超度牌位。
Large-size Family Red Tablet, Ancestral & Karmic Creditor,
Parents of this Lifetime, Past 7-Lifetime, Sentient Beings of Six Realms Yellow and other standard size liberation tablets.
2) 一份九盏灯。1 set of 9-Lamp Offering.
3) 食物、药品和金银纸(包括谢天公、太岁金银纸系列)。
Food, Medicine & Joss Papers incl. Gratitude offerings to Jade Emperor, Grand Duke.
4) 以无名氏名义供三盏灯祈愿法界一切因战争、地震、水灾等灾难而死难的六道众生早日转生、超生、往生诸净土。
Offer 3 lamps in the name of Anonymous to pray for Sentient Beings of Six Realms,
Died Due to Wars, Earthquakes, Floods and etc.